If you or a loved one are burdened with an addiction, there is hope, there is healing, and there is an answer.

The Men's Program is located on 35 acres about 10 miles out Rose Valley Rd. in Kelso, WA.

The program consists of devotions, bible studies, church services, and working during the day, on-site or out in the community.

We believe there are 4 things it takes to maintain a sober lifestyle:

  • daily reading
  • daily prayer
  • fellowship with other believers
  • and no compromise.
  • It is our goal that participants will learn to hear from God personally through the reading of the Word and to understand what their calling is. We pray that they will accept the love of Christ, which will not only affect them but their relationships with others as well.

    Meet our Men's Staff

    Screening Requirements

    • No Tobacco Use of Any Kind
    • No Sex Offenses on Record
    • No Violent Offenses Against Children
    • No Prescription Medication including pain medication, psychiatric medication, antidepressants, etc
    • Cannot be required to be in treatment outside of The Mountain
    • Must be committed to the full year

    What to Bring

    • A Bible, notebook, and pen
    • several changes clothing
    • work clothes
    • work boots
    • a willing attitude: you are here to be changed by the program, not to change the program

    What Not to Bring

    • cell phones, radios, TVs, or other electronic devices
    • secular or non-worship style music CD's, magazines, or books
    • clothing depicting skulls or other secular media
    • jewelery for face or body piercings: you will be asked to remove it
    • tobacco products
    • drugs or alcohol
    • prescription medications, anti-depressants, etc. If you need to taper off of medication, do so before your arrival: we are not a medical facility.